First Quarter 2023 Online Resources Round-up

View all of the resources Compassion and Choices have created during the first quarter of 2023
March 30, 2023

In the first quarter of 2023 Compassion & Choices staff have been featured on four podcasts, hosted a number of national webinars, been recognized in multiple publications, and created a variety of new online videos for our supporters. Check out the round-up of resources below.

News Features

For a full list of all press releases, please visit our press page.

  • Univision Network: Nevada End-of-Life Options Act Introduced (Broadcast 3/14/2023) The largest Spanish-language free-to-air TV network in the U.S. interviewed Compassion & Choices Action Network’s Senior National Latino Media Director Patricia A. González-Portillo about the importance of passing Nevada’s End-of-Life Options Act, (SB 239).

  • AP News: Update on Vermont Decision to Remove Residency Requirement for Terminally Ill Plaintiff (Published 3/14/2023)

  • Radio KMUZ’s morning news magazine, “Willamette Wake Up”  The most recent episode, titled Taking Charge: Preparing for Death from a Jewish Perspective, features the Rev. Dr. Paul Smith award recipient, Rabbi Ariel Stone. (Posted 3/22/23.)

2023 Past Webinars

All our past webinars can be found on our website here. Below are the webinars we have produced from January to mid-March 2023.


Videos & Interviews

Compassion & Choices YouTube Channel provides many resources, including current and archival videos, short features, and state and topic-specific playlists. Here are some highlights from the 2023 releases:

  • Video: They Died Waiting (Released to the public 3/13/ 2023) Compassion & Choices Action Network sponsored a virtual exhibit of powerful photos and testimonies by advocate-storytellers whose loved ones died waiting for Connecticut to pass medical aid-in-dying legislation.

  • Panel Discussion: Religious Medical Systems and Bodily Autonomy: A Community Conversation (Recorded 1/18/2023) Sponsored by Compassion & Choices and four New York county chapters of the League of Women Voters, this is a panel discussion with experts discussing the impact of religious directives that dictate the care religious-affiliated healthcare facilities can and cannot deliver to their patients.

  • Video: Approaching End of Life: Perspectives from a Doctor, Lawyer and Faith Leader (Recorded 1/19/23) Hosted by Compassion & Choices and the Chicago Public Library. Panelists, including geriatric and palliative care physician Dr. Shellie Williams, elder law attorney Eric Parker, and African Methodist Episcopal Church pastor Rev. Dr. Christal Bell, share their observations, lessons and guidance about end-of-life journeys from each of their vantage points.

  • Video Interview: Cheryl and Wendy, Minnesota (Released to public 1/17/2023) Compassion & Choices advocate-storytellers Cheryl Hauser, who has Alzheimer’s disease, and her daughter Wendy Longacre Brown, who is an end-of-life doula, talk frankly and lovingly about Cheryl’s decision to voluntarily stop eating and drinking (VSED) when her disease progresses to a certain point.­­

  • Video: Decisiones al Final de la Vida, Planificación Anticipada y Cuidados Paliativos Hablar con nuestra familia y seres queridos sobre nuestras decisiones de fin de vida es el regalo más hermoso que podemos darles. La planificación de fin de vida nos da tranquilidad de saber que hemos tomado los pasos necesarios para llegar a una muerte pacífica. En esta hora de presentación conoceremos las opciones de fin de vida que están disponibles para nuestra comunidad, el uso de cuidados paliativos y el concepto de hospicio, algo tan poco utilizado por nuestra gente.

  • Recorded Conference Presentations: City of Hope Symposium (Recordings coming soon!) On Feb 6-7 Compassion & Choices sent three speakers to the City of Hope Symposium to present on end-of-life care.

    • Keynote Address | Kim Callinan, Keynote Presenter

    • Spiritual Care at the End of Life | Robert Drake, faculty presenter

    • Spiritual Care at End of Life: Panel Discussion: Medical Aid in Dying Panel | Samantha Trad, moderator/presenter


A complete list of past podcasts can be found on our website here, our most recent releases can be seen below.

  • AM Quincy with Joe Catano (Aired 1/17/2023) Melissa Stacy, Compassion & Choices Regional Advocacy Manager, explains the proposed medical aid-in-dying bill in Massachusetts and discusses the topic with host Joe Catalano.

  • Best Life Best Death (Part 1 aired 1/30/2023; Part 2 aired 2/7/2023) Compassion & Choices Director of Care Advocacy Samantha Trad discusses “Charting Your Own End-of-Life Journey” with host Diane Hullet.

  • Voices of Aging (Aired 3/13/2023) Director of Compassion & Choices’ Doctors for Dignity program Rebecca Thoman, MD, discusses end-of-life care, the importance of having conversations about death in the medical field, and shares resources on the University of Minnesota’s student-produced podcast.

  • Death & Grief Talk Podcast with the Grave Woman (Aired 2/21/2023) Compassion & Choices’ Faith Outreach Manager Zeena Regis and African American Engagement Director Dr. Elisha Hall discuss “How Black & Indigenous Communities Use Euphemisms, Parables and Proverbs as Tools for Preplanning” with podcast host and licensed funeral director Joél Simone Maldonado (aka The Grave Woman), who is a member of Compassion & Choices’ African American Leadership Council.

  • Death & Grief Talk Podcast with the Grave Woman (Aired 3/1/2023) Podcast host and licensed funeral director Joél Simone Maldonado (aka The Grave Woman), who is a member of Compassion & Choices’ African American Leadership Council,“ talks with Compassion & Choices supporter, financial advisor Ricardo Thomas, ChFEBC®, RFC, in this episode: “To Have and to Hold: How Black Families are Creating Generational Wealth.”

Fact Sheets & Infographics

Our full list of resources can be found in our resource library. Below is a section of newly added content:

Compassion & Choices
Media Contacts

Sean Crowley
Media Relations Director

Patricia A. González-Portillo
National Latino Media Director
(323) 819 0310

Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

Mail contributions directly to:
Compassion & Choices Gift Processing Center
PO Box 485
Etna, NH 03750