Dying Mom, Physicians, Advocates Urge Illinois Legislators to Pass Medical Aid-in-Dying Bill
Woman With Incurable Cancer, Supporters Optimistic Lawmakers Will Pass Compassionate Bill
Woman With Incurable Cancer, Supporters Optimistic Lawmakers Will Pass Compassionate Bill
Medida Acusaría a Médicos de Homicidio por Brindar Opción de Muerte Pacífica a Pacientes
Bill Would Charge Doctors with Homicide for Providing Patients with Peaceful Death Option
Medical aid in dying is under attack in Montana — and we need your help. Montana lawmakers have attempted to criminalize medical aid in dying every single session since the right to this compassionate choice was upheld by the Montana Supreme Court in 2009. Just a few weeks ago SB 136, the Physician Imprisonment Act, was…
SB136 Podría Criminalizar a Médicos por Brindar a Pacientes Opción Para Muerte Pacífica Después de una emotiva audiencia del jueves, el Montana Senate Judiciary Committee votó hoy para avanzar el Physician Imprisonment Act (SB 136) o Medida de Encarcelamiento a Médicos, que criminaliza la práctica de ayuda médica para morir en el estado. A pesar…
Despite passionate testimony from voters from around the state imploring the committee to uphold Montanans’ end-of-life liberties by stopping SB136, committee members voted 7-2 recommending the bill to be heard by the full Senate.
Votación Define Tono para Otra Sesión Exitosa Despues de Trágico Veto del 2024 El House Health & Human Development Committee aprobó el miércoles el Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End-of-Life Options Act (HB 140) en una votación, la primera de la medida en el 2025. Los residentes con enfermedades terminales de Delaware y sus defensores…
“Para Brittany (Maynard), el saber que la ayuda médica para morir estaba disponible, le permitió tener un poco de control de la terrible enfermedad” Más de 85 legisladores se Unen a la Asambleísta Paulin, Senador Hoylman-Sigal, Patrocinadores de Medida de Ayuda Médica para Morir Corinne Carey, directora de campaña de Compassion & Choices Nueva…
We are grateful for Eunice and all healthcare professionals and advocates who recognize the importance of end-of-life planning and are facilitating these essential conversations within their communities. Together, we can create a future where everyone has access to the resources and support they need to navigate this critical stage of life with confidence.
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